Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Another Ultrasound

Little Nolin wasn't as cooperative as the doctor would have liked at the ultrasound. The nurse called today and said they couldn't see all the chambers of the heart, so they want to look some more. The ultrasound tech we had said that getting another ultrasound is pretty common if they can't see what they want. So we have to go back in at the end of April. Other than that, the nurse said everything else looked good. 

I think Miss Lillian is doing just fine because I had a fun sized Snickers today and she started doing summersaults! And another ultrasound means updated pictures! 

Monday, March 30, 2009

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

It's a GIRL!

We had our ultrasound today! They said it's a girl... and she showed us the bits pretty well. According to the measurements she is 1lb 4oz. That is big for her @ 21wks &4days, so my due date (7/31) may be moved up, but we will have to wait for all the other statistics until the doctor reviews the stuff and gets back to us. 

We have the name ready to go! And although I do enjoy calling it nugget we thought Lillian Paige (Lily) was probably a better choice for a birth certificate. And if she comes out a boy, we will be ready for that too! I don't think it will, but I have heard that it happens! 

I will scan some of the ultrasound pics in sometime this week so you can try a figure out what parts are what!