Friday, July 31, 2009


Hi, this is Scott. I just thought I should mention who is posting since we share an account. I put up all the pictures and Kori posted the stats. If Kori did the pictures they'd probably all be nicely adjusted as she has all crazy skills with that stuff. But now is the time for volume, and Kori was pretty busy in the hospital.

These photos are all reduced in size quite a bit to make them more reasonable for web viewing. If anyone wants an original which is larger just let me know.

Well, I can just say it is really nice to be home.

Is it wrong to want to put your baby in the stroller at home to make her easier to cart about the house? This is just one of many groundbreaking ideas I have been having recently to make things easier. I have never been happier not to have stairs.

On with the show:

Lily's about to go home. She wasn't so happy with being roused and put in a carseat, but as soon as we started walking she passed right out.

The cats meeting the new Nolin. After some smells they lost interest pretty quickly. A little later Zaddie was initially alarmed by some crying, but quickly learned that is a great time to go scavenge for food left out in the kitchen while we're distracted.

Thursday, July 30, 2009


Here is all the birth info on Miss Lillian Paige.
She was born 7/29 @ 5:22 am, 20" Long & weighted 7lbs, 4oz.
She came out very alert and looking around. Her ASPGAR's were 9/9.
We finally got some good feedings in and we are looking forward to getting home.
Thanks to everyone for all the well wishes.

Grandma Cheryl and a few more pictures.

Baby Lilly had her first good meal today. Here are some more pictures.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

More Pictures

Kori before the action really got intense.

And here it is after!

Happy Birthday

Here is Lillian, brand new!
